(800) 321-0505 help@investigaid.com

InvestigAid is dedicated to investigating abuse and neglect of senior persons and adults with disabilities through directly assisting potential victims, as well as partnering with for-profit legal services, nonprofit legal-aid and/or elder-niche NGO and faith-based organizations with limited budgets and/or staff to respond and investigate in a timely way.


  • Investigating abuse and neglect of senior persons and adults with disabilities, including those under the
    poverty level in the greater Los Angeles and San Francisco area.
  • Facilitating public awareness of such abuse and remedy alternatives.
  • Partnering directly with potential victims, for-profit legal and nonprofit legal-aid services, other elder-niche
    NPO/NGO and faith-based organizations in combating abuse.

Elder abuse can sometimes be a grey area for many people. Due to old age, most victims cannot take legal action or seek justice for the wrongs or offense perpetrated against them. Relatives and friends are often the culprits behind such abuse. InvestigAid primarily investigates potential civil violations such a financial exploitation and emotional abuse or neglect where insufficient evidence prevents direct reporting to appropriate governmental authorities, and/or where civil litigation requires admissible evidentiary information.

Elderly persons often suffer great harm because many governmental authorities are overworked and understaffed, possibly ill-informed, or unable to take timely or appropriate action. Moreover, there are many times no clear or proper guidelines in conducting elder abuse investigations, thus private investigation is critical in safeguarding the rights and interests of senior citizens.

InvestigAid also offers on a case-by-case basis investigative services related to age discrimination or harassment, as well as location of loved ones and/or assets. InvestigAid is dedicated to facilitating public awareness of elder and disability abuse.

Caring for Those Who Cared for Us
